I get comments and emails from bloggers about what i posted in here. In terms of fashion. Some are just pathetically harsh and some just want advice and tips. Well, im here to explain it all to you. This post is only for the males. Ladies, im not interested in your fashion. I do adore the variety of fashion u female's have, but non would be applicable for a man nor within my interest to put it on.
Ok let me start..

I believe that when u dress sharp, as in u wear a tie or a suit, try to get messy hair look. Not so messy, but somehow rather your hair looks natural or not so uptight. A lil tease can do. If your hair is gel perfect and your attire is also, it'll make u look uptight or trying too hard to get urself into that look. If everything else is perfect, one item should be a lil mess. Not so messy, a beautiful mess i mean.

And PLEASE..trim your hair NOSTRILS. It's in the center of your face and u dont want people feel nauseous, coz it is VERY distracting for people when they talk to you. Even a single strand would distract the whole universe. It shows how poorly u look after yourself.
Eyebrow trimming depends. I would recommend it tho, but not many people dare to. It's not like your trying to look like Ziana Zain's, its just to get the brows look neat, not jungle like. Trim the ones in between both your brows and nose. You're not Freda Kahlo. Also a lil bit below the eyebrows, if its messy. Plucking 6-7 strands doesnt change your look into a women. Please dont go all drama with me.
I also dont really believe in expensive facial grooming. Well, i think it depends. If you have skin issues, u may opt to get a more expensive ones hoping it would change your skin problems. Im lucky that my skin is good, and save on expensive facial products. I believe if you wash twice a day, and moisturize at least once a day, ur skin would be good. Exfoliate at least once a week with a scrub to remove sebum and dead cells on your skin.
Shirt / Tshirt / Polo Tee

All guys should have at least 2 sets of good quality WHITE dress or normal shirts. Spend a little on these as they are always in fashion and a classic, and will never go out of style. Get good quality ones, probably from a good designer, with good fabric and perfect cut. Dont buy cheap ones. Its a good investment as they will last longer. Buying plain colored shirts are also a good investment. You can wear them anytime.
Avoid : Cheap fabrics and anything under RM150
Go for : Zara Men, Massimo Dutti, and even FOS Outlet if your lucky. They have designer stuff there. Thomas Pink, Brook Brothers. Also Melium Warehouse
Go for : Zara Men, Massimo Dutti, and even FOS Outlet if your lucky. They have designer stuff there. Thomas Pink, Brook Brothers. Also Melium Warehouse

Avoid : Seed, Padini and anything like it.
Go for : Zara Men, Massimo Dutti, Thomas Pink, Brook Brothers, Banana Republic. And go reject shops or FOS outlets as well.
Go for : Zara Men, Massimo Dutti, Thomas Pink, Brook Brothers, Banana Republic. And go reject shops or FOS outlets as well.

Avoid : Topshop, Zara, Seed, Ck, AX etc.
Go for : Sg Wang shops, The Curve, Philosophy Men, Melium Outlet.
Go for : Sg Wang shops, The Curve, Philosophy Men, Melium Outlet.
All men should have at least TWO belts in their wardrobe. One is a dress belt, another is a casual belt. You can also have only one belt, but a subtle silver metal head buckle with the right size, not to big, not to small belt. It can be worn with your office pants, also with your jeans. That would save alot. Spend a lil on it, as it is worn daily and its worth spending for.
NEVER buy belts that are lousy in buckle material. Dont buy belts that has the tarnish silver looking effect. It will 'cheapish' your whole attire. Try to get silver shiny ones. Shine always represents luxury. Something that's rusty looking doesnt really work. You must always ensure your belts matches your shoes. This is a rule.The material and whatever metal elements on it. I dont deny some people can be very edgy and wear loud colored belts with mismatch shoes, and wears them fabulously. Im teaching you to be safe. They're small number of those people out there. They're the male versions of Carrie Bradshaw. It matches their personality as well. Dont try to be innovative and daring tak kena pasal..you'll end up looking SCARRIE Bradshaw. Please dont.
Its worth spending a lil for leather goods. They tend to last longer and something that u rarely replace.
Avoid : ANY BELTS hanging from departmental stores.
Go for : Prada, Gucci, Hermes, Ferragamo, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana. (jgn kedekot)
Go for : Prada, Gucci, Hermes, Ferragamo, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana. (jgn kedekot)
Working pants are safe in black or dark blue. For more casual looking, opt for khakis. Please avoid pleated pants, your not Denny Devito. Flat fronts are good and enhances your CUP. They make your penis look bulging in your pants. Its sexy yet obscene.
Flat fronts..slimming
Avoid : Any shops that are pricey, as long as they fit nicely with the right seam length, shud be ok.
Go for : Seed, Padini, Zara, Massimo Dutti, Woods.
Go for : Seed, Padini, Zara, Massimo Dutti, Woods.

Avoid : Anything that has patches, torn, motifs on them unless if u have 5 plain ones at home.
Go for : Levi's, TopMan, Zara, Lee Jeans, Seven Jeans. Start with clean classics ones before venturing into ribbed or torns.
Go for : Levi's, TopMan, Zara, Lee Jeans, Seven Jeans. Start with clean classics ones before venturing into ribbed or torns.

All man should at least have TWO (I cant believe im saying this when i have god knows) pair of good quality shoes. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE spend a lil on good shoes. if you're so kedekut, then get a pair of good qualtity Moccasins. They can be worn both for work and also for casual. Please dont wear loafers to work with office pants. Its FUGLY. Please get them in good quality leather and design. DONT be ambitious by getting anything that has complicated stitchings on it. You can do with a simple black, or dark brown, good quality leather shoes. It will last long, if you get the good ones. And good ones dont come cheap. Its an investment..as it will last..and last..jangan kau pakai berlari padang plak..
Get shoes that has nice details on them. If you have 1 plain blacks, dont buy them 2. Get another with a buckle or something. It enhances your foot. For snekers, im no pro in that, coz i dont own any. If some girls only wears stilletos and no flats, i am the man who only wears mocs and loafers and no sneakers.
Mocassins..for office or casual outings with jeans
Avoid : Anything below RM300
Go for : Anything from the reasonable Zara untill the outrageous Hermes. Gucci and Ferragamo has always been good with design and detailings. Parkson has good stuff as well.
Go for : Anything from the reasonable Zara untill the outrageous Hermes. Gucci and Ferragamo has always been good with design and detailings. Parkson has good stuff as well.

Avoid : Anything below RM500
Go for : Guess, GC, Emporio Armani, Tissot, etc.
Go for : Guess, GC, Emporio Armani, Tissot, etc.
Well, the main lesson is that, u can always fool people, looking like a million dollar fashionista,whereas people dont know that u spend so little to look good.
My summary would be:
1) U must have a good expensive looking watch, but doesnt have to be expensive.
2) Invest on expensive shoes and belts (leather goods). u dont need a whole lot of it, but everything else will fall nicely on your attire, if u have at least a good one.
3) If you're not daring enuf, just go with plain shirts or t-shirts. its subtle yet classy.
4) NEVER wear anything more than 3 COLORS in an outfit. Your not a CLOWN.
2) Invest on expensive shoes and belts (leather goods). u dont need a whole lot of it, but everything else will fall nicely on your attire, if u have at least a good one.
3) If you're not daring enuf, just go with plain shirts or t-shirts. its subtle yet classy.
4) NEVER wear anything more than 3 COLORS in an outfit. Your not a CLOWN.
The things that i post previously in here are merely things of accessories and shoes, that are probably outrageous in price. But if u have a good eye for things that looks luxurious and tasteful, u can find something of similar look at normal shopping malls. U just need to have..TASTE..and there's no harm of dreaming..
"You dont have to spend thousands to look like me a million bucks..U can look like a million bucks..only if you have good taste and know where to get the look"