I stayed up last nite till 12.30 am bersengkang mata only to know THIS GUY WON?? What a waste of 1.5 hours of my original sleeping hours.

Last nite was the result show for the 1st ever Asian Idol. It was a stiff competition, but the crowd and judges favourite were:
Malaysian : Jaclyn Victor
Philipines : Mau
Indonesian : Mike
Philipines : Mau
Indonesian : Mike
"IN what judges and fans are calling a stunning upset, Singapore's own Idol Hady Mirza has won the first ever Asian Idol singing contest held in Jakarta, Indonesia on Sunday night.
Hady beat 5 other Idol winners from Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and India to clinch the accolade in front of a capacity crowd and millions watching 'live' on their TV screens across the continent.
The winner was decided by millions of votes cast by Asian viewers via SMS over a 24-hour period." - The Straits Times
I agree..and utter bullshit..well, i think he won based on his looks. He CAN sing, no doubt bout that, but the others were far more fantabulous than him..as u know, the sms voters are always the young, gedekkss girls rite? I had my wish for Jac to win..or that Mau girl..but what a dissapointment..but he's good looking and dresses well..he comes in a complete package i would say..but so does Jac and Mau..something to cheer about at least..