All you sexy sports car lovers would remember this Mazda Miata. It is knowned to be the most affordable sports car. You cant see them roaring in the streets of KL anymore probably coz its like a cagillion years old and 'out of style' probably. But i think its a classic.

But now, brace yourself of the all new Mazda Miata MX-5.
The outer:

The interior:

This time im not gonna post the specs as even i dont care what the car can do..the importance is, the sleek elegant sexy look while driving on the streets..I made a swear to myself that when i reach a certain amount for my pay, i would own a car like this to drive to work everyday..and never skip work..oh ya, and probably try to recycle the same clothing at least for a whole year before revamping my wardrobe and giving it away to my frens.. =)