Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Renovation of Me

It has been 2 weeks that im back in KL..im so glad to be home, but also, feeling awfully tired daily due to heavy cleaning and moving all my stuff back to my rented flat from my parents place in Kajang. It's sooooo tiring...when u do things all by urself...and it also cost me so much money for the bloody aircond to get it service and re-install back again to the flat. Also because the aircond guy cheated me quite a sum and im just too tired to argue that he charged me so much and yet my aircond didnt function accordingly..

Anyway..here are some of the before and after pix taken after a mild makeover by the obsessive compulsive hygiene freak..me..

The transformation of my empty room to include a high bed frame and blister causing self constructed wardrobe.

My dressing table…

My clothes halfway filled..and hopefully it all fits without wrinkling my shirts…The tv table is also used for my laptop, due to limited space left in my room..Plan to cover the table and hid the cables & chair from sight..will think of something

My small lil kitchen with the small lil fridge for both of us in the house…We think fashion merchandise (clothes, shoes, etc) are more important…then food.. =) Less food to eat, more room to fill into best sized pants & shirts..agreed? (pointing out to Aziz & Andre)

My small lil kitchen..good enuf lah..we cant afford anything more...all budget has been contributed & scattered around KLCC..from dining to shopping…

My obsession…my life…my substance abuse…for walk of confidence...hihi...I think they need more frens…don’t you?

I cant stand dirty toilet…and cleaning this tough stain took me almost an hour and gave me orgasm to see it clean…satisfied! To maintain? Every 3 days require floor brushing to keep it away from foot prints that I just cant tolerate…

I was away for nearly 3 months and look what happened?? When I got back, see the result urself…

We'll..that was all the hard work..All "Ezwan Certified" clean.. =)